The Place Where I Belong
Analysis of the
Ability of the Israeli Educational System of the Modern Orthodox
Sector to Provide Support for Religious Olim
This is an analysis of the ability of the Israeli Educational
System of the modern Orthodox sector to provide support for
religious Olim. This is the first half of a two-year project
that will culminate in a research directory of schools.
Anglo-Saxons making Aliyah face many important decisions when
they arrive in Israel. One of the most difficult decisions is on
the choice of schools for their children. This is particularly
difficult because most Olim parents are unfamiliar with the
schools and the school system in Israel. Teenagers of Olim that
move to predominately Anglo-Saxon communities exhibit unique
risk factors because of the compounding stresses of their
pre-adolescent stage combined with stresses of acclimating to a
totally new culture. Parents and educators must recognize signs
of insecurity and low academic achievement before their children
reach the stage of dropping out of school and life in general.
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Judaism and Democracy: An Educational
Perspective (Hebrew)
This study and its conclusions are presented here for the
benefit of all teachers of Civics and related subjects concerned
with teaching democratic values. In the first section, four
different approaches regarding the relationship between Judaism
and Democracy and their implications are discussed. The second
section presents a analysis of interviews of Civics teachers in
religious high schools in the Jerusalem area. They describe
their classroom experience in teaching this subject.
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The Potential Effects of
Educational Technology On the Jewish Learning Environment
This project outlines possibilities for use of educational
technology in the context of Jewish education. Particular
attention is given to areas where the orientation of the
educational environment can be shifted to a more student-centric
model, and the potential advantages of such a model are
explored. The internet, in particular, is identified as a
technology which facilitates such an orientation. The author
suggests strategies for implementation.
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K'gananim b'Gan Hashem
As Gardeners in the
Garden of God:
Hasidic Thought and its Implications for Teacher-Student
This project explores the dynamics of teacher-student
interactions through the prism of hasidic thought. Arguing that how
we relate to our students has as much impact as what we
teach them, the author turns to the psychologically rich works
of hasidut for models of growth-oriented relationships
and shows how these principles can be implemented and actualized
by contemporary teachers, both inside and outside the classroom.
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Hakirah or Mehkar:
The Religious Implications of an Historical
Approach to Limmudei Kodesh
Rachel Furst
Are scientific historical scholarship and traditional Torah
study reconcilable? Does knowledge of history enhance
appreciation of the overarching halakhic system or does
it undermine it? Can the study of history contribute in any way
to the religious endeavor? These questions have been debated
since the founding of the "Science of Judaism"
movement in nineteenth-century Germany but are of particular
relevance to the contemporary Modern Orthodox community which
defines Torat Emet as encompassing both historical,
scientific truth and the truth of mesorah. This project
will examine the religious implications of an approach to limmudei
kodesh-primarily the study of Talmud and halakhah-that
integrates academic scholarship with traditional Torah study and
will evaluate the educational pros and cons of a curriculum
built on such a synthesis.
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Towards an Integrated Curricullum:
Chulin Done On the Basis of Kodshim (Hebrew)
Moshe Genuth
This project, written in Hebrew, is an attempt to survey the
theoretical underpinnings of the development of a truly
integrated (Jewish and general studies) curriculum for religious
high schools. This paper includes a detailed description of both
the theoretical foundations and justifications for the
curriculum under development, and the practical implementation
of those ideas, complete with some examples from actual
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Chicken Soup for the Shabbat Table
Jewish Family Learning & Dynamics
"Chicken Soup for the Shabbat Table"
is a compilation of useful guidelines and helpful hints to
enhance the family experience at the Shabbat table. The focus
includes interpersonal relationships and family interaction as
well as not-to-be-missed educational opportunities. What goals
are we trying to achieve at the Shabbat table? At what point can
a child be excused from the table? How do we get the kids to
participate? How does one deal with the toddler and the pre-teen
while the baby is crying?
Through interviews and questionnaires, together
with the use of literature on the subject and general common
sense, the author hopes to present a resource that will help
parents maximize the educational and bonding opportunities of
the Shabbat table. The rich and varied experiences of family
members can help in creating increased options and focused
directions for the parents, and conductors of this most
meaningful occasion.
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Talmud and the Quest for Personal Transformation
This paper assumes that while Talmud study
should impact the religious personality of the student
spiritually, ethically, or halakhicly, this “transformative”
aspect of learning is often not focused on by teachers or is
lost on students. The primary goal of this paper is to propose
and demonstrate three models for affecting this transformation.
The author has taken three teachers as case studies: one teacher
who emphasizes the content of the sugya and its relevance to the
life of the student as the central vehicle for impacting the
student, a second who emphasizes the genre of the Talmud, and a
third who without emphasizing any particular method explicitly
attempts to affect transformation by immersion in the tradition
and an overall environment of holy service. The theoretical
basis for these methods are investigated and the impact of these
methods is traced (to the extent possible) by student
interviews. It should be emphasized that these methods need not
be applied in exclusion of each other, but are intended to serve
as methods for integration into the classroom.
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Talmud, Relevance, and Classicism: On the
Question of "The Relevance" of the Talmud for
Contemporary Students (Hebrew)
The underlying assumption of this study is that one problem in teaching
Talmud today stems from many students’ claim of its "ack of
relevance." In this regard, the author examines the possible benefit
of looking at the Talmud as a classic text, a canonic text of Jewish
culture. The paper looks into different aspects of this idea: First, it
defines the characteristics of classic texts and compares them to those of
the Talmud, based on a variety of writings in the field. Secondly, it
examines the existence of the "relevance" problem and its basis,
through an analysis of interviews with leading Talmud teachers and pupil
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Educating Toward Excellence in Midot in
the Dati Leumi Girls’ High School System in Israel
Adina Luber
This project attempts to understand how Dati Leumi high schools for girls
in Israel educate their students toward excellence in Midot.
Recognizing that Midot education occurs within the larger picture of
the educational system as a whole, the project explores the various aspects
of the Dati Leumi educational system, focusing on their relevance to Midot
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Counseling Of Students On One-Year Programs In
Israel: Models And Techniques
Ari Shames
In this research project the author surveys the current state
of psychological counseling in overseas programs in Israel.
Interviews were conducted in post high school programs for women
and a general picture is presented based on these interviews.
Recommendations are presented for the implementation of a three
tiered system in dealing with personal counseling in such
schools, and in addition suggestions are made for the basics of
any systematic treatment of the issue in like environments. A
call is made for systematic treatment of this neglected side of
the year in Israel.
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The Yearly Cycle in the Eyes of Chazal (Hebrew)
In accordance with the proposals of the authors previous ATID
study, this Hebrew paper suggests building a collection of texts
in Chazal that will go according to the year cycle. Teachers in
both religious and non-religious Jewish schools that want to
enhance their student’s knowledge of the world of Chazal and
with the cycle of the Jewish year will benefit from the program
herein laid out. This paper brings an example of one topic:
repentance in the eyes of Chazal, accomplished through learning
about Chazal’s treatment of biblical figures that have sinned.
The program includes texts from Halakhah as well as Aggadah.
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Crisis and Response:
Post-High School Yeshiva Programs in Israel and
the Matzav
Dodi F.Tobin
This project examines the impact of the “Al
Aksa Intifada”, commonly known to Israelis as the matzav,
upon the post-high school yeshiva experience in the academic
year 2000-2001. Based upon anecdotal data obtained from
administrators, students and parents, the author describes the
impact of the matzav upon various aspects of the Israel
experience, including parental concerns; student concerns;
communication between administration and parents; student and
parents satisfaction with how the yeshivot have responded to the
matzav; and Zionism. The author makes suggestions to
yeshiva programs about important measures which should be
undertaken to respond to the matzav long-term.
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The Place of Yirat Shamayim in Moral Development:
The Pedagogical Approach of the Maharal of Prague
This project presents the pedagogic paradigm of the Maharal,
suggesting an approach to Torah learning based upon a hierarchy
of values; those of Chochmah (wisdom), yirah (awe),
and anavah (humility). By examining the concepts
behind these values, it becomes evident that the creation of a
spiritual relationship with God is more essential than the
academic accumulation of knowledge. Maharal’s commitment to dveykut
leads him to promote learning in a shared, interactive
environment, providing helpful pedagogical suggestions as to the
building of a true relationship with God.
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