Challenges and Issues in Modern Orthodox Education:
An On-Line Library of R. Shalom Carmy's Essays
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Synthesis and the Unification of Human Existence
Life should strive to tell a "unified story," in which the various parts of a person’s life cohere with his or her principles and ideals. This means that the desire to serve God should extend beyond the fulfillment of rigidly defined halakhic duties. If so, how do we view the use of leisure time?
On Eagle's Flight and Snail's Pace: Rabbi Soloveitchik and the Problems of Modernity
How does the thought of Rabbi Soloveitchik speak to the problems of modern Jews? This essay surveys various intersections between the Rav’s thought and modernity.
Why I Read Philosophy, History, Literature, etc.
What does the religious Jew gain from exposure to the humanities? Is it better to focus one’s energies on the objective and seemingly value-neutral fields of the hard sciences, or is there something especially significant about the humanities?
Destiny, Freedom and the Logic of Petition
What is the purpose of petitionary prayer? Is it coherent to pray for that which God has already promised? How do we deal with the thorny issue of prayers which seem to go un-answered?
Without Intelligence, Whence Prayer?
What is the role of intellectual analysis in the world of prayer? Is petition for basic human needs central to the act of prayer? What is the balance between the communal and the individual in prayer?
To Get the Better of Words: An Apology for Yir'at Shamayim in Academic Jewish Studies
How can secular studies contribute to a Jewish education? What role should academic Jewish studies have within that broader education? How do we generate, and need we justify, a study that emphasizes religious and theological issues of existential importance to our students?
A Room with a View, But a Room of Our Own: On Academic Jewish Studies
What is the relationship between the Jewish studies taught at universities and the traditional learning done in the beit midrash? Should we encourage our students to take academic Jewish studies courses or to become academics in these fields? How can we best respond to the challenge of Bible criticism?
Camino Real (Derekh HaMelekh) and Modern Talmud Study
What role should academic and literary aspects of Talmud study have on our learning? Can they be interwoven with the traditional conceptual analysis practiced in yeshivot?
The Avot, Classic Commentaries and Us: On Contemporary Parshanut
How should we relate to opinions in Hazal that apparently whitewash the actions of biblical characters, even though these actions are clearly sinful according to the simple reading of Tanakh? Should we encounter the biblical text independently without the aid of the traditional commentators, or is learning primarily about absorbing their interpretations?
Last updated October 25, 2006--additional essays may be added in the future.