עיוני אומנות
Exploring the Role of Art and Creativity
Through the Teachings of Rav Kook
As part of ATID's Art
Initiative, we are pleased to bring you this archive of
discussion and learning sessions exploring the world of Rav Avraham
Yitzhak HaKohen Kook zt"l and how his teachings shed
light about the place of art and creativity in religious life and
Jewish education.
Listen online, or download the audio sessions and accompanying texts.
Expanses, Expanses
Analyzing a poem by Rav Kook
Click to download text of poem.
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(January 3, 2007)
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Singing the Song of Eternity
Why did Rav Kook write poetry? What can poetry convey that prose cannot? What can poetry offer the religious life?
Click to download text: Hadrav, pp. 61-67
Beit HaRav Kook
R. David Ebner's poetry, The Library of Everything
Gold From the Land of Israel by R. Chanan Morrison
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(November 15, 2006)
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Aesthetics and Religious Values
Is the aesthetic a religious value? Why? What do the "tzadikim" know or see that enables them to bring beauty into the world?
Click to download text: Orot HaKodesh III, p. 306
Jeffrey Saks Spiritualizing Halakhic Education
Rav Kook on Rembrandt: (Jewish Chronicle of London, Sept. 13, 1935, p. 21)
Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
Steven Nadler Rembrandt's Jews
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(October 25, 2006)
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Art and Public Policy
Rav Kook's letter to the Bezalel School
Click to download text: Igrot HaReiyah I:158, pp. 203-06
Israel Museum exhibit on Boris Schatz
Likro Panim, Rut Kestenbaum Ben-Dov (1998)
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(July 26, 2006)
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Art and Eros
Exposure to art, and its limits
Click to download text: Olat Reiyah II, pp. 3-4
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(July 19, 2006)
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The History of Jewish Imagination
Click to download text: Orot, pp. 35-36
Click to download sources mentioned in Rav Kook's text.
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(July 13, 2006)
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R. Chanan Morrison's Rav Kook website.
R. Bezalel Naor's translation of Orot.
R. Bezalel Naor's Lights of Prophecy.
Artistic Thinking: Betzalel and Bruegel
On hokhma, bina, and da'at: Grasping the physical and the spiritual
Click to download text: Ayn Ayah to Brakhot 55a, pp. 263-64
Pieter Bruegel, "The Tower of Babel" (1563)
Pieter Bruegel, "The Little Tower of Babel" (earlier study, c. 1563)
Other renderings of the Tower of Babel in art Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(June 21, 2006)
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Moshe and Betzalel, Halakhic Man and Mark Rothko
On seeing the ideal, the real and the abstract.
Click to download text: Ayn Ayah to Brakhot 55a
Click here for an online Rothko exhibit.
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(June 21, 2006)
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Hakham HaRazim: Creativity and the Individual
Click to download text: Ayn Ayah to Brakhot 58a
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(June 14, 2006)
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Creativity and the Religious Lifestyle
Click to download text: Orot HaKodesh I (pp. 165-66)
Rav Kook on Rembrandt: (Jewish Chronicle of London, Sept. 13, 1935, p. 21)
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(May 31, 2006)
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Creativity and the Authentic Self
Click to download text: Orot HaKodesh III (pp. 140-41)
Discussion with Rabbis Chaim Brovender, Yedidya Sinclair and Jeffrey Saks
(May 17, 2006)
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