
ATUDA: ATID's Discussion and Research Forum for Future Jewish Educators
In 2004-05 ATID gathered a cohort of young Orthodox students
(post-B.A.), men and women, who are planning to enter Jewish education
as a career in the coming years, as the inaugural Atuda Fellows -- a
new training program for pre-service educators, to complement our ATID
Fellows in-service program.
Participants in the program partook in seminars and discussion groups
over the academic year, dedicated to: "TRANSLATING" THE TORAH AND
EDUCATION. We are pleased to present to the community of Jewish
educators the projects, proposals, and study guides prepared by the
Atuda Fellows, confident that they will arouse your own thinking and
pedagogic planning.
A Guide to Rabbi Soloveitchik’s
"Mizvat Keriyat Shema u-Zekhirat Yezi’at Mizrayim"

Naftali Balanson
This is a teaching guide to Rav Soloveitchik’s "Mizvat
Keriyat Shema u-Zekhirat Yezi’at Mizrayim," the opening
essay of his Shi’urim le-Zekher Abba Mari. The guide
contains two suggested lessons for high school classes; the first
is geared towards a traditional Gemara shi’ur, while the
second is an innovative attempt to access philosophical ideas that
originate in halakhah. As such, Rav Soloveitchik’s
lomdut is utilized as the culmination of in-depth study of a
sugya in Massekhet Berakhot, in one case, and as a
springboard for exploring his own philosophic writings, in the
other. Through these lessons, students can gain a firmer grasp on
Keriyat Shema, its third paragraph, and their implications
in the world of halakhah, hashkafah, and
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Kibbud u-Mora: Mutual Honor and Respect
Three Interactive Sessions for Teenagers, Parents and Teachers
Based on the Writings of Rabbi Soloveitchik

Shoshana Cohen
Parents and children are often the subjects of tension and
misunderstandings during the teenage years. Using the school
community as a forum, Cohen creates a series of sessions whose
purpose is to establish and maintain tools for constructive
communication between high schoolers and their parents and
teachers. The sessions center on a section of the Rav’s Family
Redeemed that deals specifically with the issue of kibbud
av va-em. Learning together, participants are guided through
difficult passages and personal issues. They are also given an
opportunity to learn more about the Rav and his philosophy and
how it relates to their own lives and relationships.
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Worship of the Heart:
Rabbi Soloveitchik on the Place of Aesthetics Within Religious Experience
A Teacher’s Guide

Sara Henna Dahan
This project aims to provide teachers with a guide to studying and
teaching some aspects of prayer, particularly those discussed in
the fourth chapter of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Worship of
the Heart -- "Exaltation of God and Redeeming the
Aesthetic." It is the author’s hope that through studying and
teaching the material to students, they will come to understand
how to integrate aesthetics into religious experience and
recognize its importance in prayer. In addition, through studying
this material and engaging in active discussions and projects,
students will become more active participants in the prayer
experience, a phenomenon which would hopefully help improve
tefillah for high school students.
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Rabbi Soloveitchik’s "The Community"
A Teacher’s Guide

Rachael Gelfman
This guide provides suggestions and material for those who choose
to teach Rav Soloveitchik’s essay "The Community" to
high school students, in either a formal or informal setting.
"The Community" is a particularly relevant essay for
high school students because it focuses on the tension between
individual and community. This tension is a very live issue for
high school students in their relationships with both family and
friends. The essay's relevance, along with its relatively simple
writing and short length, make it a good choice for the teacher
seeking to introduce her students to the Rav’s corpus.
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"And He Answered, Here I Am"
An Educational Model for the Rav’s Halakhah of Suffering

Medinah Korn
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s halakhah of suffering can be
brought to the classroom through a values-based analysis of the
'hineni' response in Tanakh. This paper argues
for the importance of providing students with the tools to raise
the moral, philosophical, theological and social questions such an
analysis entails, and allowing students to grapple and struggle
with them. The benefits of such an approach are considered and
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Holocaust Education in Yeshiva High Schools:
A Model for Teaching Kol Dodi Dofek

Shoshanna Lockshin
This project advances a model for a unit on Holocaust education
in yeshiva high schools in North America. Using the Rav’s Kol
Dodi Dofek, the author suggests ways that yeshiva high
schools might develop an integrated curriculum for Holocaust
education to offer students a safe outlet for asking and coping
with difficult questions of good, evil and faith.
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Curricular Suggestions for Educating Towards
The Rav’s Philosophy of Halakhah

Norma Mintz
This project attempts to explain a philosophy of halakhah,
as based in the works of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik, and to
provide curricular suggestions in order to educate students
towards such a worldview. The main principles of the philosophy
of halakhah are the centrality of halakhah, the
application of the a priori halakhah in an a posteriori
world, the unity of halakhah and hashkafah, and the
rejection of subjectivism and simulated rituals. In order to
inculcate these principles, this project offers curricular
suggestions for Talmud, mahshavah, and
halakhah, and it asserts that most importantly, a school
must be entirely subject to halakhah and its faculty must
be aligned with these principles.
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Teaching the Masorah Through the Thought of the Rav

Yaakov Mintz
This project discusses some of Rabbi Soloveitchik's ideas
regarding the importance of the masorah and applies those
ideas to contemporary Jewish education. The Rav discussed a number
of different aspects of the masorah including our attitudes
towards the understanding of Torah she-be’al Peh, the
ba’alei ha-masorah, and the role of the family in
transmitting the masorah. Each of these aspects has its
own educational significance. In particular, this paper addresses
areas of Torah learning and living that pose great problems for
students due to their rationale being difficult, or even
impossible, to explain. Developing a proper understanding and
appreciation of our masorah can help our students deal with
these issues properly.
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Body and Soul:
Sex Education in the Orthodox High School
A Guide for Addressing Family Life

Avi Roness
This paper examines the pressing need for the Modern Orthodox
educational system to address the students' concerns and internal
struggles as they undergo the process of forming and coming to
terms with their sexual identity. Sex-ed has never been part of
the Orthodox curriculum. However, an awareness of the significant
reshaping of social reality in modern times requires us to
reevaluate this position. The increasingly complicated spiritual
and cultural environment surrounding the Modern Orthodox student
in the 21st century serves to greatly increase the natural
challenges and difficulties inherent in adolescence. Acknowledging
the students’ predicament and wishing to address their concerns,
the teacher is confronted with an unusual problem: as the
discussion of sexuality has traditionally been kept out of public
discourse, the very definition of the theoretical body of a Modern
Orthodox sex-ethic is far from self evident to the teachers
themselves. This project suggests the importance and usefulness of
Rabbi Soloveitchik’s treatment of these issues as found in his
essay "The Redemption of Sexual Life" (in his recently published
Family Redeemed). Following a presentation of Rabbi
Soloveitchik’s views, and a discussion of their theoretical
ramifications, a number of practical classroom considerations are
raised and discussed.
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A Teacher's Guide to Rabbi Soloveitchik's Worship of the Heart
Exploring Themes of Religious Experience and Prayer

Noam Shapiro
This teacher's guide addresses the preface and first two chapters
of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik’s Worship of the Heart: Essays
on Jewish Prayer. This project was initiated to serve three
different educational goals. While mutually fructifying, these
goals stand independently. Therefore, the three corresponding
sections of this study guide have been developed in such a way
that they may each function as a distinct unit. They are:
introducing the student to Rabbi Soloveitchik's thought;
outlining a variety of approaches to God; and an attempt at
educating students about the beauty and power of tefillah.
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The Educational Experience of Sippur Yezi’at Mizrayim:
A Pedagogical Manual For the Jewish Educator

Benjamin Zimmerman
This project presents, based on Rav Soloveitchik's analysis, the
Passover Seder as the Torah teacher's manual for successfully
transmitting the Jewish heritage to children. The paper delineates
many of the educational tenets set forth in the Seder and how they
can be incorporated into a yearly curriculum. Numerous nuances of
the Seder night come alive, through the penetrating comments of
the Rav, as educational insights with pedagogical wisdom. Hopefully,
delineating the Seder’s educational message and methodology
will help achieve its realization in all forums of Jewish
education throughout the year.
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