"בן ארבעים לבינה"
Symposium Invitation

The Lonely Man of Faith at 40
New Insights and Reflections

This coming year marks forty years since the publication of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik's monumental The Lonely Man of Faith, which appeared originally in Tradition (Summer 1965).

ATID invites you to contribute to a symposium, to be housed on our website (www.atid.org) and subsequently to appear in print, by writing a reflection or insight on what the central ideas contained in The Lonely Man of Faith have meant for you personally. How have those ideas shaped or informed your work as a teacher of Torah or Jewish communal leader? What is the continued relevance of The Lonely Man of Faith to contemporary religious life? How have those ideas affected the Jewish community? How might they?

We are looking for a personal reflection on any or all of these questions-do not shy away from writing in the first person.

Essays should run about 800-1000 words, and should be submitted (ideally by email to atid@atid.org) by July 15, 2005. You may write in English or Hebrew. If citing from the English text, page references should preferably be to the Doubleday (1992) edition, which is identical to the Jason Aronson (1997) edition. In Hebrew, citations should preferably be from the essay as printed in the 1971 Mossad HaRav Kook volume, Ish HaEmunah. Please avoid footnotes. Be sure to include a brief bio as you would like it to appear in print.

Rabbi Chaim Brovender
President, ATID

Rabbi Jeffrey Saks

לפרטים בעברית לחץ כאן

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