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ATID Publishes Rabbi Shalom Carmy's Monograph,
"Letter To A Philosophical Dropout From Orthodoxy"
In the tradition of Maimonides’ Guide of the
Perplexed, Samson Raphael Hirsch’s Nineteen Letters,
and C.S. Lewis’ satirical Screwtape, Shalom Carmy’s "Letter
To A Philosophical Dropout From Orthodoxy" offers us insight
into what it means to be religiously alive, and philosophically
engaged by one’s Judaism, in the form of a letter to a
questioning seeker. Teachers, rabbis, counselors, and parents
entrusted with guiding children, young adults, and all seekers of
religious truth, will find value in the disputation of the
"don't ask, don't tell" attitude which too often limits
Orthodox Judaism to a set of demonstrable normative acts,
eviscerating the inner meaning, depth, and force of a
philosophically engaged, multi-dimensional Jewish life.
Encompassing a tour of topics in the philosophies of science and
religion, and a compelling argument for the centrality of the
personal in Torah life, this pamphlet provides a sophisticated
response to central questions in contemporary Jewish education.
In the hope that this monograph may stimulate depth and sophistication in
considering how we portray the truth of religious experience and
life—both of the heart and the mind—we have set up an
web-based discussion board, and invite you to post your responses,
thoughts, and questions which have been prodded by your reading or
have arisen in the wake of your own experience counseling students
on matters of belief. Rabbi Carmy has graciously agreed to
participate in the on-line discussion and to respond to your
thoughtful postings. To view or post to the discussion board,
Click here...

R. Carmy Addressing an ATID Conference (May 2000)
| Rabbi Shalom Carmy teaches Jewish Studies and philosophy at Yeshiva
University and is Consulting Editor of Tradition. He is
editor, most recently, of Modern Scholarship in the Study of
Torah: Contributions and Limitations as well as Jewish
perspectives on the Experience of Suffering. Rabbi Carmy is an
editor of the series MeOtzar HoRav: Selected writings of Rabbi
Joseph B. Soloveitchik, for which he recently prepared the
Rav’s Worship of the Heart: Essays on Jewish Prayer.
Rabbi Carmy can be contacted at carmy@yu.edu
Our thanks to Rabbi Yamin Levy and the Maimonides Heritage Center
for their support and partnership in the publication of "Letter
To A Philosophical Dropout From Orthodoxy."