R. Chaim Brovender
"Lessons from an Ordeal,
Reflections on Thanksgiving,
and Thoughts on the
Situation in Israel Today"

On the night of October 5, 2000-at the very outset
of the renewed Intifada-Rabbi Chaim Brovender, President of ATID
and Rosh Yeshivat HaMivtar, was brutally beaten at the hands of
Palestinian Police and their henchmen. He was hospitalized off and
on for weeks at a time over the course of the next two months.
In this recording, Rabbi Brovender tells the story of his
ordeal, and shares with us the lessons he learned about chessed and
hoda'ah (kindness and thanksgiving), as well as reflecting on the
"matzav" (situation) in the State of Israel today.
Listen to Rabbi Brovender's talk. Click
Listen to Mrs. Miriam Brovender on Jerusalem
Post Radio (Oct. 10, 2000). Click here...
"HaKadosh Baruch Hu is Not Going to Leave You--An
Interview with Mrs. Miriam Brovender" by Sarah Shapiro, from The
Jewish Observer (February 2001, pp. 23-29). Click here...
During his beating at the hands of the Palestinian Police,
Rabbi Brovender was robbed of a few thousand shekels in cash (as he
describes in the recording), which he was to distribute before Yom Kippur
for the tzedekah fund he has long administered, Keren Chaim ve-Chesed.
To donate to this fund, please click here...
For more on the events of October 2000, click here...
Rabbi Brovender can be reached at: rcb@atid.org
Recorded: January 28, 2001 at Ner Yisroel, London.