5767 Under Way at ATID
New Fellows, Faculty, Projects and Initiatives

Dr. Caroline Peyser
The new year has begun at ATID, with new Fellows and Faculty, and an exciting array of new undertakings, projects, and initiatives on behalf of Torah education.
The Fellows of
Machzorim (cohorts) 8 and 9
will be working in two teams, each examining a set of key issues facing contemporary education.
Dr. Caroline Peyser returns to our staff to lead a research team on issues in teaching halakhah and Talmud in light of what we know about developmental and cognitive psychology. Dr. Peyser, a practicing psychologist and teacher at Israeli midrashot, authored our publication Body and Soul: A Guide for Addressing Eating Disorders in a Jewish Education Setting. The second team will be led by ATID’s Director of Research and Projects, Dr. Yoel Finkelman, and will continue the work undertaken last year on teaching Machshevet Yisrael (Jewish Thought). For the results of Phase I of that project, click here.

Yoel Finkelman

Meir Ekstein
In the Monday evening seminars for the ATID Fellows and alumni, we will be discussing "Educational Goals: Innovation or Continuity?" in the Fall semester. Those workshops will be led by Rabbi Dr. Meir Ekstein, founder and head of Yeshivat Nachshon and Ulpanat Noga in Beit Shemesh. In the Spring 2007 these sessions will be conducted by Rabbi Yehuda Brandes, a well-known Jerusalem educator, who today heads the Beit Midrash of Beit Morasha. In addition, ATID President Rabbi Chaim Brovender continues to propose a meaningful place for the arts and creativity through our Art Initiative.
ATID Fellow Rabbi Yitshak Neriah, Rosh Yeshiva of the prestigious Or Etzion Yeshiva High School will be working with ATID’s director Rabbi Jeffrey Saks on the implementation at Or Etzion of another laboratory site for ATID’s Beit Midrash Initiative.

Yehuda Brandes