Seminar on Experiential Torah Teaching
conducted by
Rabbi Mitch Heifetz
If you are preparing for a career in Jewish
education, join us for a one-time introductory seminar on Experiential Teaching in Jewish
Studies. Non-frontal teaching methods which engage both teacher and student in a shared
learning experience can help talmidim develop their religious, ethical, and emotional life
skills. Torah study is not simply about imparting knowledge and
skills-it attempts to give the student the spirituality and personal enhancement that Judaism should contribute to his/her life. Experiential teaching models are most important in transferring
Jewish values and morals. Every teacher, whether in yeshiva, seminary, day school or youth organization can benefit greatly by learning the
principles, methodology and techniques of non-frontal value transfer. The experiential teaching method is an essential tool for the
limmudei kodesh teacher interested in helping students grow as full bnei
Rabbi Mitch Heifetz was the director and teacher of the overseas
program at Yeshivat Kibbutz HaDati. He has traveled the Jewish educational world as an educational
shaliach for the Jewish Agency for Israel, and has taught teachers around the world the art of
experiential teaching methods in Jewish Studies.
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