Forum for Inquiry and Deliberation in Jewish Education
7th Annual Winter Conference
"Emotion and Intellect in Jewish Education"
Lessons from the Thought of Rabbi Soloveitchik

(From L.-R. Rabbi Reuven Ziegler, Rabbi Jeffrey Saks,
Rabbi Jacob J. Schacter, Dr. Meir Ekstein, Mrs. Sally Mayer)
Wednesday evening, February 16, 2005
7:45 PM
Menachem Begin Heritage Center
6 Nachon Street, Jerusalem
Greetings and Introduction:
Rabbi Jeffrey Saks
Director, ATID
Rabbi Dr. Jacob J. Schacter
Dean, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Institute

Dr. Meir Ekstein
Clinical Psychologist;
Founder, Noga & Nachshon Schools
Mrs. Sally Mayer
Faculty, Midreshet Lindenbaum
Rabbi Reuven Ziegler
Faculty, ATID;
Director of Research, Toras HoRav Foundation
Audience Discussion

Rabbi Chaim Brovender
President, ATID
Rabbi Schacter's lecture was held in conjunction with our ATUDA Fellows program - a joint venture of ATID and the Rabbi Soloveitchik Institute. The ATUDA program works with outstanding young Orthodox students preparing for careers in Jewish education.